Hi, welcome to autoresponder software to put on my website. Today I wanted to comment on the Follow up Message after assumed that you have decided what autoresponder software to put on your website.
Among the main mistake in internet marketing is NOT to follow up. Please remember now, Follow up Message is "The Most BASIC Technique" in internet marketing.
Ignoring it would mean you are limiting your success in Internet business. This matter will be my share today and my only advice is...
"Build the best possible follow up message if you want to succeed in business online!”
Important: The use of follow up marketing is not only for those who have websites but it is also applied for those who promoting affiliate marketing.
As usual my recommendation is to use Aweber autoresponder. It will effectively facilitate the follow up work for you. With an Aweber autoresponder you can set a follow up message automatically without the need to send any message manually to each of your subscribers.
Imagine you live in Bangkok, Thailand and you have a visitor from the USA who subscribes to your mailing list; most probably you are sleeping while they are online! Do they have to wait 8 hours until you wake up to be able to receive an email download link for their free reports, which they have requested from you? This is not effective at all.
You need to understand that those who enter their names and email on your squeeze page to get a free report are actually in a high mood. They want to know more about the free report; therefore the possibility for them to buy products is also very high.
So, with Aweber autoresponder software, you can set the first message (after your prospects confirmed their name and email) which contain your gratitude and honor together with a download link report which they can download on the spot.
If 100 people subscribe at the same time, your Aweber autoresponder software system will sent the message automatically to a hundred subscribers without you doing anything.
Try Aweber, it’s one of the very effective autoresponder software to put on your website.
(c) 2010 Copyright http://autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Secrets To Becoming A Master Email List Builder: Step-By-Step Videos Show You How To Setup A Quick Website, Setup An Autoresponder, And Start Getting Leads RIGHT NOW - DVD
How many times have you heard, The Money Is In The List?
If you haven't paid attention to that statement, it's time you woke up and took notice.
By having your own list, you can make money virtually anytime you send an email to your list.
Even if you don't have your own products, a list is still vital to your online business.
On this DVD, I'll show you exactly how you can start building a list today, and using it to profit for years to come!
For example, you'll discover this like:
- Quickly Discover Multiple Methods To Build Your Mailing List Intensively In Ways You Don't Know So Well!
- 106 Amazing List Building Tips that you can use to skyrocket your mailing list size and build a base of responsive subscribers!
- How to use web content, Info Products and other content-based entities to build your mailing list to your advantage!
- A sure-fire way to build your mailing list - warp speed!
- How to use special events and auctions to build your mailing list!
- Several Online marketing strategies you can use, mix and match, or combine in one collective mission -- build your list of prospects faster than any leading MLM distributor can do -- online!
- Offline List Building and eZine marketing strategies that most Internet Marketers often neglect - the coast is clear for you to take advantage of these methods! And...
- Many MORE ways, some of which you probably didn't even think of!
(c) 2010 Copyright http://autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
If you haven't paid attention to that statement, it's time you woke up and took notice.
By having your own list, you can make money virtually anytime you send an email to your list.
Even if you don't have your own products, a list is still vital to your online business.
On this DVD, I'll show you exactly how you can start building a list today, and using it to profit for years to come!
For example, you'll discover this like:
- Quickly Discover Multiple Methods To Build Your Mailing List Intensively In Ways You Don't Know So Well!
- 106 Amazing List Building Tips that you can use to skyrocket your mailing list size and build a base of responsive subscribers!
- How to use web content, Info Products and other content-based entities to build your mailing list to your advantage!
- A sure-fire way to build your mailing list - warp speed!
- How to use special events and auctions to build your mailing list!
- Several Online marketing strategies you can use, mix and match, or combine in one collective mission -- build your list of prospects faster than any leading MLM distributor can do -- online!
- Offline List Building and eZine marketing strategies that most Internet Marketers often neglect - the coast is clear for you to take advantage of these methods! And...
- Many MORE ways, some of which you probably didn't even think of!
This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
Price: $29.00
(c) 2010 Copyright http://autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Getting Started Online with Aweber
Getting started online should not be a difficult thing. But getting started online involves a few basic steps that are easy to do. You need:
1) A web site
2) A topic
3) An autoresponder (ask yourself: what autoresponder software to put on my web site?)
4) A product to recommend (yours or an affiliate product)
That is all you need to get started.
To get a web site, find a hosting company that offers a web site builder, unless you know Frontpage or Dreamweaver. Go to the web site hosting site you prefer, follow the directions, and in a few hours you should have your own domain name and a web site.
The web site builder will come with step by step directions--simply follow the directions.
You must decide what you want to succeed online. What do you know a lot about? This may take some stimulating creative thinking, but most people have at least one or two things they do better than many others. Find it and do it.
You must get an autoresponder so you can automate everything you do, or you will become attached at the hip to your computer. You do not want that right?
So most probably you will ask what autoresponder software to put on my web site? I would highly recommend to you to try aweber autoresponder. Although their price is higher than alternatives like GetResponse or 1 ShoppingCart, many business owners are more than willing to switch to Aweber autoresponders simply because of their cutting-edge technology and superb support.
You can get access to the full features of Aweber for just $1 during your first month. It’s not as easy as you may expect, so watch the video tutorials below, it show you exactly how to get the $1 access coupon code.
You’ll need to find the Aweber confirmation email, and confirm first. Then you’ll be given a unique coupon code which you need to enter on the order page.
1.VIDEO – $1 Aweber Autoresponder Signup
2.VIDEO – Setting Up Your New Aweber Account
If you have already created a product; great, write a sales page and get started selling. If not, go to clickbank and find somebody else product to promote.
Remember, you will never succeed if you do not get started. Of course you might fail. Maybe that is what it is. If you are afraid to fail. Then you are afraid to succeed.
Talk soon,
(c) 2010 Copyright http:// autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
1) A web site
2) A topic
3) An autoresponder (ask yourself: what autoresponder software to put on my web site?)
4) A product to recommend (yours or an affiliate product)
That is all you need to get started.
To get a web site, find a hosting company that offers a web site builder, unless you know Frontpage or Dreamweaver. Go to the web site hosting site you prefer, follow the directions, and in a few hours you should have your own domain name and a web site.
The web site builder will come with step by step directions--simply follow the directions.
You must decide what you want to succeed online. What do you know a lot about? This may take some stimulating creative thinking, but most people have at least one or two things they do better than many others. Find it and do it.
You must get an autoresponder so you can automate everything you do, or you will become attached at the hip to your computer. You do not want that right?
So most probably you will ask what autoresponder software to put on my web site? I would highly recommend to you to try aweber autoresponder. Although their price is higher than alternatives like GetResponse or 1 ShoppingCart, many business owners are more than willing to switch to Aweber autoresponders simply because of their cutting-edge technology and superb support.
You can get access to the full features of Aweber for just $1 during your first month. It’s not as easy as you may expect, so watch the video tutorials below, it show you exactly how to get the $1 access coupon code.
You’ll need to find the Aweber confirmation email, and confirm first. Then you’ll be given a unique coupon code which you need to enter on the order page.
1.VIDEO – $1 Aweber Autoresponder Signup
2.VIDEO – Setting Up Your New Aweber Account
If you have already created a product; great, write a sales page and get started selling. If not, go to clickbank and find somebody else product to promote.
Remember, you will never succeed if you do not get started. Of course you might fail. Maybe that is what it is. If you are afraid to fail. Then you are afraid to succeed.
Talk soon,
(c) 2010 Copyright http:// autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Email Deliverability Tips
Posted by Tom Kulzer (AWeber CEO)
Ensuring requested opt-in email is delivered to subscriber inboxes is an increasingly difficult battle in the age of spam filtering. Open and click thru response rates can be dramatically affected by as much as 20-30% due to incorrect spam filter classification.
Confirming that the people who ask for your information have actually requested to be on your list is the number one step in the battle for deliverability. You should be using a process called confirmed opt-in or verified opt-in to send a unique link to the attempted subscriber when they request information. Before adding the person to your list they must click that unique link verifying that they are indeed the same person that owns the email address and requested to subscribe.
Subscriber Addresses
When requesting website visitors to opt-in ask for their “real” or “primary” email address instead of a free email address like Yahoo or Hotmail. Free emails tend to be throw away accounts and typically have a shorter lifetime than a primary ISP address.
List Maintenance
Always promptly remove undeliverable addresses that bounce when sending email to them. An address that bounces with a permanent error 2-3 times in a 30 day period should be removed from the list. ISP’s track what percentage of your newsletters bounce and will block them if you attempt to continually deliver messages to closed subscriber mailboxes.
Message Format
Usage of HTML messages to allow for text formatting, multiple columns, images, and brand recognition is growing in popularity and is widely supported by most email client software. Most spam is also HTML formatted and thus differentiating between requested email and spam HTML messages can be difficult. A 2004 study by AWeber .com shows that plain text messages are undeliverable 1.15% of the time and HTML only messages were undeliverable 2.3%. If sending HTML it is important to always send a plain text alternative message, also called text/HTML multi-part mime format.
Many ISP’s filter based on the content that appears within the message text.
Website URL:
Research potential newsletter advertisers before allowing them to place ads in your newsletter issues. If they have used their website URL to send spam, just having their URL appear in your newsletter could cause the entire message to be filtered.
Choose your language carefully when crafting messages. Avoid hot button topics often found in spam such as medication, mortgages, making money, and pornography. If you do need to use words that might be filtered, don’t attempt to obfuscate words with extra characters or odd spelling, you’ll just make your messages appear more spam like.
Avoid creating messages that are entirely images. Use images sparingly, if at all. Commonly used open rate tracking technology uses images to calculate opens. You may choose to disable open rate tracking to avoid being filtered based on image content.
With viruses running rampant and spreading thru the usage of malicious email attachments many users are wary of attached documents. It’s often better to link to files via a website URL to reduce recipient fear of attachments and reduce the overall message size.
CAN-SPAM Compliance
The January 2004 Federal CAN-SPAM law introduced a number of rules regarding the delivery of email. It’s important you have your legal counsel review your practices and ensure you are in compliance. The two most important rules include having a valid postal mail address listed in all commercial messages and a working unsubscribe link that is promptly honored to remove the subscriber from future messages.
Reputation services are often used by large ISP’s as a way to vet email senders regarding their email practices and policies. Businesses listed with these services are then given less stringent filtering or no filtering at all. Several reputation services are:
• http://www.isipp.com/iadb.php
• http://www.bondedsender.com
• http://www.habeas.com
Relationships & Whitelisting
Contact with major ISP’s and email providers is essential in letting them know about your requested subscriber email. Many large providers such as AOL and Yahoo have specific whitelisting programs and postmaster website areas to ensure your email is delivered as long as you meet their policies and procedures in handling your opt-in list.
Email deliverability is about ensuring requested opt-in email is delivered to the intended recipient. While no single tip will enable you to get 100% of your email delivered each one utilized as a group can go a long way to reaching that goal.
(c) 2010 Copyright http:// autorespondersoftwaretoput onmywebsite.blogspot.com
Ensuring requested opt-in email is delivered to subscriber inboxes is an increasingly difficult battle in the age of spam filtering. Open and click thru response rates can be dramatically affected by as much as 20-30% due to incorrect spam filter classification.
Confirming that the people who ask for your information have actually requested to be on your list is the number one step in the battle for deliverability. You should be using a process called confirmed opt-in or verified opt-in to send a unique link to the attempted subscriber when they request information. Before adding the person to your list they must click that unique link verifying that they are indeed the same person that owns the email address and requested to subscribe.
Subscriber Addresses
When requesting website visitors to opt-in ask for their “real” or “primary” email address instead of a free email address like Yahoo or Hotmail. Free emails tend to be throw away accounts and typically have a shorter lifetime than a primary ISP address.
List Maintenance
Always promptly remove undeliverable addresses that bounce when sending email to them. An address that bounces with a permanent error 2-3 times in a 30 day period should be removed from the list. ISP’s track what percentage of your newsletters bounce and will block them if you attempt to continually deliver messages to closed subscriber mailboxes.
Message Format
Usage of HTML messages to allow for text formatting, multiple columns, images, and brand recognition is growing in popularity and is widely supported by most email client software. Most spam is also HTML formatted and thus differentiating between requested email and spam HTML messages can be difficult. A 2004 study by AWeber .com shows that plain text messages are undeliverable 1.15% of the time and HTML only messages were undeliverable 2.3%. If sending HTML it is important to always send a plain text alternative message, also called text/HTML multi-part mime format.
Many ISP’s filter based on the content that appears within the message text.
Website URL:
Research potential newsletter advertisers before allowing them to place ads in your newsletter issues. If they have used their website URL to send spam, just having their URL appear in your newsletter could cause the entire message to be filtered.
Choose your language carefully when crafting messages. Avoid hot button topics often found in spam such as medication, mortgages, making money, and pornography. If you do need to use words that might be filtered, don’t attempt to obfuscate words with extra characters or odd spelling, you’ll just make your messages appear more spam like.
Avoid creating messages that are entirely images. Use images sparingly, if at all. Commonly used open rate tracking technology uses images to calculate opens. You may choose to disable open rate tracking to avoid being filtered based on image content.
With viruses running rampant and spreading thru the usage of malicious email attachments many users are wary of attached documents. It’s often better to link to files via a website URL to reduce recipient fear of attachments and reduce the overall message size.
CAN-SPAM Compliance
The January 2004 Federal CAN-SPAM law introduced a number of rules regarding the delivery of email. It’s important you have your legal counsel review your practices and ensure you are in compliance. The two most important rules include having a valid postal mail address listed in all commercial messages and a working unsubscribe link that is promptly honored to remove the subscriber from future messages.
Reputation services are often used by large ISP’s as a way to vet email senders regarding their email practices and policies. Businesses listed with these services are then given less stringent filtering or no filtering at all. Several reputation services are:
• http://www.isipp.com/iadb.php
• http://www.bondedsender.com
• http://www.habeas.com
Relationships & Whitelisting
Contact with major ISP’s and email providers is essential in letting them know about your requested subscriber email. Many large providers such as AOL and Yahoo have specific whitelisting programs and postmaster website areas to ensure your email is delivered as long as you meet their policies and procedures in handling your opt-in list.
Email deliverability is about ensuring requested opt-in email is delivered to the intended recipient. While no single tip will enable you to get 100% of your email delivered each one utilized as a group can go a long way to reaching that goal.
(c) 2010 Copyright http:// autorespondersoftwaretoput onmywebsite.blogspot.com
Email Deliverability Tips
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Putting The “Service” Back In “Customer Service”
Posted by Sean Cohen
The future of customer service is here. Technology has made seeking out support faster and easier than ever. But, has your digital age company sacrificed true service in the name of automation?
Today, finding customer support is as simple as writing an e-mail or picking up the phone. But, even though you’re not face-to-face with your customers, you still leave a lasting impression. Do you come across as caring and competent, or menacing and mechanical?
Offering stand-out service on the Internet isn’t as hard as it is rare. Take these simple steps towards old-style service in the digital age:
Give Each Customer a Personal Response
When a customer sits down to e-mail your company, it’s because he needs help. He chooses e-mail because it’s quick, but his request still warrants a satisfying and personal response!
Companies eager to save time and money often take automation too far in their customer support. Each customer has a unique question, and deserves a unique answer. Even if you save time by copying and pasting stock replies, change the opening and closing to make the message sound less robotic.
Be Clear, But Sincere
When responding to customers’ e-mail, be sincere and to the point. Before sending a message, try turning the tables. Ask yourself, “Would this answer satisfy me if I were the customer?”
Take that extra moment to give your customer the help he deserves. It might mean the difference between a satisfied customer and a credit card chargeback!
Offer Live Customer Support
E-mail has become an acceptable form of communication. But, live customer support is still necessary. The plethora of information available online can be overwhelming to customers, especially those new to the Internet!
Single your company out from the crowd by providing customers with a real person to talk to. Live phone support is an invaluable way to foster trust. When your customer has reached the end of his Internet rope, and just needs help, your toll free number is the answer he’s looking for.
Make Sure Your Support Reps Have All The Answers
The presence of phone support will do no good if your staff doesn’t know your product! Customer support reps should be warm and friendly, and willing to help with any aspect of your product.
What a good feeling it is to talk to someone who feels confident in his product. It’s even better if he’s knowledgeable enough to solve your problem without transferring you all around the company!
Provide Stand-Out Service; Gain Lifelong Customers
Too many e-businesses skimp on customer service, hiding behind web sites and message boards. Customer support is an integral part of every company, even those operating solely online. Be one of the few to offer stellar service, and gain customers for life!
c) 2010 Copyright http:// autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
The future of customer service is here. Technology has made seeking out support faster and easier than ever. But, has your digital age company sacrificed true service in the name of automation?
Today, finding customer support is as simple as writing an e-mail or picking up the phone. But, even though you’re not face-to-face with your customers, you still leave a lasting impression. Do you come across as caring and competent, or menacing and mechanical?
Offering stand-out service on the Internet isn’t as hard as it is rare. Take these simple steps towards old-style service in the digital age:
Give Each Customer a Personal Response
When a customer sits down to e-mail your company, it’s because he needs help. He chooses e-mail because it’s quick, but his request still warrants a satisfying and personal response!
Companies eager to save time and money often take automation too far in their customer support. Each customer has a unique question, and deserves a unique answer. Even if you save time by copying and pasting stock replies, change the opening and closing to make the message sound less robotic.
Be Clear, But Sincere
When responding to customers’ e-mail, be sincere and to the point. Before sending a message, try turning the tables. Ask yourself, “Would this answer satisfy me if I were the customer?”
Take that extra moment to give your customer the help he deserves. It might mean the difference between a satisfied customer and a credit card chargeback!
Offer Live Customer Support
E-mail has become an acceptable form of communication. But, live customer support is still necessary. The plethora of information available online can be overwhelming to customers, especially those new to the Internet!
Single your company out from the crowd by providing customers with a real person to talk to. Live phone support is an invaluable way to foster trust. When your customer has reached the end of his Internet rope, and just needs help, your toll free number is the answer he’s looking for.
Make Sure Your Support Reps Have All The Answers
The presence of phone support will do no good if your staff doesn’t know your product! Customer support reps should be warm and friendly, and willing to help with any aspect of your product.
What a good feeling it is to talk to someone who feels confident in his product. It’s even better if he’s knowledgeable enough to solve your problem without transferring you all around the company!
Provide Stand-Out Service; Gain Lifelong Customers
Too many e-businesses skimp on customer service, hiding behind web sites and message boards. Customer support is an integral part of every company, even those operating solely online. Be one of the few to offer stellar service, and gain customers for life!
c) 2010 Copyright http:// autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Do Your Potential Customers Forget About You?
Posted by Tom Kulzer (AWeber CEO)
Your web business probably gets product inquiries from potential customers around the globe. Inquiries come via e-mail and your web site, and you try to send information to each hot prospect as quickly as you can. You know that you can drastically increase the likelihood of making a sale by satisfying each person’s need for information quickly!
But, after you’ve delivered that first bit of information to your prospect, do you send him any further information?
If you are like most Internet marketers, you don’t.
When you don’t follow that initial message with additional information later on, you let a valuable prospect slip from your grasp! This is a potential customer who may have been very interested in your products, but who lost your contact information, or was too busy to make a purchase when your first message reached him.
Often, a prospect will purposely put off making a purchase, to see if you find him important enough to follow up with later. When he doesn’t receive a follow up message from you, he will take his business elsewhere.
Are you losing profits due to inconsistent and ineffective follow up?
Following up with leads is more than just a process – it’s an art. In order to be effective, you need to design a follow up system, and stick to it, EVERY DAY! If you don’t follow up with your prospects consistently, INDIVIDUALLY, and in a timely fashion, then you might as well forget the whole follow up process.
Consistent follow up gets results!
When I first started marketing and following up with prospects, I used a follow up method that I now call the “List Technique.” I had a large database containing the names and e-mail addresses of people who had specifically requested information about my products and services. These prospects had already received my first letter by the time they requested more information, so I used the company’s latest news as a follow up piece.
I would write follow up newsletters every now and then, and send them, in one mass mailing, to everyone who had previously requested information from me. While this probably did help me win a few additional orders, it wasn’t a very good follow up method. Why isn’t the “List Technique” very effective?
The List Technique isn’t consistent. Proponents of the List Technique tend to only send out follow up messages when their companies have “big news”.
List Technique messages don’t give the potential customer any additional information about the product or service in question. He can’t make a more informed buying decision after receiving a newsletter! If someone is wondering whether your company sells the best knick-knacks, what does he care that you’ve just moved your headquarters?
List Technique messages convey a “big list” mentality to your potential customers. When I used to write follow up messages using the List Technique, I was writing news bulletins to everyone I knew! I should have been sending a personal message to each individual who wanted to know more about my products.
What follow up method really works?
Following up with each lead individually, multiple times, but at set intervals, and with pre-written messages, will dramatically increase sales! Others who use this same technique confirm that they have all at least doubled the sales of various products! In order to set this system up, though, you need to do some planning.
First, you’ll need to develop your follow up messages. If you’ve been marketing on the Internet for any length of time, then you should already have a first informative letter. Your second letter marks the beginning of the follow up process, and should go into more detail than the first letter. Fill this letter with details that you didn’t have the space to add to the first letter. Stress the BENEFITS of your products or services!
Your next 2-3 follow up messages should be rather short. Include lists of the benefits and potential uses of your products and services. Write each letter so that your prospects can skim the contents, and still see the full force of your message.
The next couple of follow up messages should create a sense of urgency in your prospect’s mind. Make a special offer, giving him a reason to order NOW instead of waiting any longer. After reading these follow up messages, your prospect should want to order immediately!
Phrase each of your final 1 or 2 follow up messages in the form of a question. Ask your prospect why he hasn’t yet placed an order? Try to get him to actually respond. Ask if the price is to high, the product isn’t the right color or doesn’t have the right features, or if he is looking for something else entirely. (By this time, it’s unlikely that this person will order from you. However, his feedback can help you modify your follow up letters or products, so that other prospects will order from you.)
The timing of your follow up letters is just as important as their content. You don’t want one prospect to receive a follow up the day after he gets your initial informative letter, while another prospect waits weeks for a follow up!
Always send an initial, informative letter as soon as it is requested, and send the first follow up 24 hours afterwards. You want your hot prospects to have information quickly, so that they can make informed buying decisions!
Send the next 2-3 follow up messages between 1 and 3 days apart. Your prospect is still hot, and is probably still shopping around! Tell him about the benefits of your products and services, as opposed to your competitors’. You will make the sale!
Send the final follow up messages later on. You certainly don’t want to annoy your prospect! Make sure that these last letters are at least 4 days apart.
Following up effectively seems complicated, but it doesn’t have to be! So many potential customers are lost because of poor follow up – don’t you want to be one of the few to get it right?
c) 2010 Copyright http:// autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
Your web business probably gets product inquiries from potential customers around the globe. Inquiries come via e-mail and your web site, and you try to send information to each hot prospect as quickly as you can. You know that you can drastically increase the likelihood of making a sale by satisfying each person’s need for information quickly!
But, after you’ve delivered that first bit of information to your prospect, do you send him any further information?
If you are like most Internet marketers, you don’t.
When you don’t follow that initial message with additional information later on, you let a valuable prospect slip from your grasp! This is a potential customer who may have been very interested in your products, but who lost your contact information, or was too busy to make a purchase when your first message reached him.
Often, a prospect will purposely put off making a purchase, to see if you find him important enough to follow up with later. When he doesn’t receive a follow up message from you, he will take his business elsewhere.
Are you losing profits due to inconsistent and ineffective follow up?
Following up with leads is more than just a process – it’s an art. In order to be effective, you need to design a follow up system, and stick to it, EVERY DAY! If you don’t follow up with your prospects consistently, INDIVIDUALLY, and in a timely fashion, then you might as well forget the whole follow up process.
Consistent follow up gets results!
When I first started marketing and following up with prospects, I used a follow up method that I now call the “List Technique.” I had a large database containing the names and e-mail addresses of people who had specifically requested information about my products and services. These prospects had already received my first letter by the time they requested more information, so I used the company’s latest news as a follow up piece.
I would write follow up newsletters every now and then, and send them, in one mass mailing, to everyone who had previously requested information from me. While this probably did help me win a few additional orders, it wasn’t a very good follow up method. Why isn’t the “List Technique” very effective?
The List Technique isn’t consistent. Proponents of the List Technique tend to only send out follow up messages when their companies have “big news”.
List Technique messages don’t give the potential customer any additional information about the product or service in question. He can’t make a more informed buying decision after receiving a newsletter! If someone is wondering whether your company sells the best knick-knacks, what does he care that you’ve just moved your headquarters?
List Technique messages convey a “big list” mentality to your potential customers. When I used to write follow up messages using the List Technique, I was writing news bulletins to everyone I knew! I should have been sending a personal message to each individual who wanted to know more about my products.
What follow up method really works?
Following up with each lead individually, multiple times, but at set intervals, and with pre-written messages, will dramatically increase sales! Others who use this same technique confirm that they have all at least doubled the sales of various products! In order to set this system up, though, you need to do some planning.
First, you’ll need to develop your follow up messages. If you’ve been marketing on the Internet for any length of time, then you should already have a first informative letter. Your second letter marks the beginning of the follow up process, and should go into more detail than the first letter. Fill this letter with details that you didn’t have the space to add to the first letter. Stress the BENEFITS of your products or services!
Your next 2-3 follow up messages should be rather short. Include lists of the benefits and potential uses of your products and services. Write each letter so that your prospects can skim the contents, and still see the full force of your message.
The next couple of follow up messages should create a sense of urgency in your prospect’s mind. Make a special offer, giving him a reason to order NOW instead of waiting any longer. After reading these follow up messages, your prospect should want to order immediately!
Phrase each of your final 1 or 2 follow up messages in the form of a question. Ask your prospect why he hasn’t yet placed an order? Try to get him to actually respond. Ask if the price is to high, the product isn’t the right color or doesn’t have the right features, or if he is looking for something else entirely. (By this time, it’s unlikely that this person will order from you. However, his feedback can help you modify your follow up letters or products, so that other prospects will order from you.)
The timing of your follow up letters is just as important as their content. You don’t want one prospect to receive a follow up the day after he gets your initial informative letter, while another prospect waits weeks for a follow up!
Always send an initial, informative letter as soon as it is requested, and send the first follow up 24 hours afterwards. You want your hot prospects to have information quickly, so that they can make informed buying decisions!
Send the next 2-3 follow up messages between 1 and 3 days apart. Your prospect is still hot, and is probably still shopping around! Tell him about the benefits of your products and services, as opposed to your competitors’. You will make the sale!
Send the final follow up messages later on. You certainly don’t want to annoy your prospect! Make sure that these last letters are at least 4 days apart.
Following up effectively seems complicated, but it doesn’t have to be! So many potential customers are lost because of poor follow up – don’t you want to be one of the few to get it right?
c) 2010 Copyright http:// autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Holiday Action Saves a Sour Shopping Season
Posted by Tom Kulzer (AWeber CEO)
Usually, U.S. retailers earn 20-80% of their entire yearly gross during the holiday season. But this year, things are different. The sluggish US economy has prompted Deloitte Research’s Carl Steidtmann to fear “the worst Christmas ever” in the retail sector.
Short of going door to door in a Santa suit, how can businesses increase profits and prevent a blue Christmas? Despite economic gloom, industry leaders have found that an e-mail follow up strategy can increase sales by a cheery 35%! To weather the ailing economy, use a follow up autoresponder during your holiday campaigns.
What Does It Do?
Follow up autoresponders follow up with your leads for you. You create a series of messages, and decide when they should be sent, (daily, weekly, etc.). Your autoresponder will send the messages to each new lead automatically. With no further intervention from you, your leads will remember you throughout the winter chill. And this regular reminding will mean more sales during the all-important holiday shopping season.
Give yourself the gift of a higher conversion rate! Follow up automatically using the following simple steps:
Offer Useful Information
Write your follow up messages for your leads – not for yourself. You want to talk about your great service, but your leads just want to know what they’ll get out of it!
At some point, you must have purchased something like your product. What were you looking for then? Was it information about pricing, styles, or holiday gift wrapping? Maybe just a clearer explanation of the product? Figure that out, and put the answer in your follow up messages. That’s what your leads want to know.
Personalize Your Messages
You don’t open postal mail addressed to “Current Resident”, and your leads aren’t going to read e-mail addressed to “Dear Internet Friend.” People are simply more likely to read messages that address them by name.
Autoresponders let you use variables to personalize your messages. This way, you write just one message, but Lenny Lead reads “Happy Holidays, Lenny!” while Kate Customer reads “Happy Holidays, Kate!”
Names are only the beginning of the personalization features available, though. In addition to full, first, and last names, some autoresponders let you add e-mail addresses, dates, or an ad category. The best even correct the capitalization in your leads’ names, giving your messages a much more professional look.
Track Your Leads
Get even better results from your snowballing list of leads by experimenting with follow up content and timing. Your experimentation will be much more successful if you have access to proper statistics.

Only use a follow up autoresponder that offers detailed lead statistics. Look for live, graphical stats that show your incoming leads broken down by day / week / month, all of your active leads, and leads who have requested removal from your list.
Broadcast Tailor-Made Offers
To get more bang for your holiday buck, look for an autoresponder that also lets you broadcast extra e-mails to all of your leads. Some even allow you to send tailor-made offers only to leads who meet certain criteria.
For instance, send everyone who’s been on your list for a month a special discount. Or, notify all leads interested in a certain product when a new shipment comes in.
Follow up messages keep leads warm. Use periodic broadcasts to convert them to sales!
Prevent a Crummy Christmas
Businesses of all sizes have seen their sales grow by leaps and bounds because of automated follow up. Implement your follow up strategy now to make the best use of holiday leads! Then, enjoy the season – your autoresponder is following up for you!
c) 2010 Copyright http://autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
Usually, U.S. retailers earn 20-80% of their entire yearly gross during the holiday season. But this year, things are different. The sluggish US economy has prompted Deloitte Research’s Carl Steidtmann to fear “the worst Christmas ever” in the retail sector.
Short of going door to door in a Santa suit, how can businesses increase profits and prevent a blue Christmas? Despite economic gloom, industry leaders have found that an e-mail follow up strategy can increase sales by a cheery 35%! To weather the ailing economy, use a follow up autoresponder during your holiday campaigns.
What Does It Do?
Follow up autoresponders follow up with your leads for you. You create a series of messages, and decide when they should be sent, (daily, weekly, etc.). Your autoresponder will send the messages to each new lead automatically. With no further intervention from you, your leads will remember you throughout the winter chill. And this regular reminding will mean more sales during the all-important holiday shopping season.
Give yourself the gift of a higher conversion rate! Follow up automatically using the following simple steps:
Offer Useful Information
Write your follow up messages for your leads – not for yourself. You want to talk about your great service, but your leads just want to know what they’ll get out of it!
At some point, you must have purchased something like your product. What were you looking for then? Was it information about pricing, styles, or holiday gift wrapping? Maybe just a clearer explanation of the product? Figure that out, and put the answer in your follow up messages. That’s what your leads want to know.
Personalize Your Messages
You don’t open postal mail addressed to “Current Resident”, and your leads aren’t going to read e-mail addressed to “Dear Internet Friend.” People are simply more likely to read messages that address them by name.
Autoresponders let you use variables to personalize your messages. This way, you write just one message, but Lenny Lead reads “Happy Holidays, Lenny!” while Kate Customer reads “Happy Holidays, Kate!”
Names are only the beginning of the personalization features available, though. In addition to full, first, and last names, some autoresponders let you add e-mail addresses, dates, or an ad category. The best even correct the capitalization in your leads’ names, giving your messages a much more professional look.
Track Your Leads
Get even better results from your snowballing list of leads by experimenting with follow up content and timing. Your experimentation will be much more successful if you have access to proper statistics.

Only use a follow up autoresponder that offers detailed lead statistics. Look for live, graphical stats that show your incoming leads broken down by day / week / month, all of your active leads, and leads who have requested removal from your list.
Broadcast Tailor-Made Offers
To get more bang for your holiday buck, look for an autoresponder that also lets you broadcast extra e-mails to all of your leads. Some even allow you to send tailor-made offers only to leads who meet certain criteria.
For instance, send everyone who’s been on your list for a month a special discount. Or, notify all leads interested in a certain product when a new shipment comes in.
Follow up messages keep leads warm. Use periodic broadcasts to convert them to sales!
Prevent a Crummy Christmas
Businesses of all sizes have seen their sales grow by leaps and bounds because of automated follow up. Implement your follow up strategy now to make the best use of holiday leads! Then, enjoy the season – your autoresponder is following up for you!
c) 2010 Copyright http://autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
Monday, April 5, 2010
Autoresponse Seminar is Available for FREE to AWeber Customers
"The SECRET to getting more money out
of your customer base is..." Jonathan Mizel,
Autoresponse Seminar
Dear Subscriber,
What do industry giants like Disney, Microsoft, Intel, and
American Express have in common? They've all sought out the
expertise of the "master of targeted opt-in e-mail," Jonathan
Mizel! Now you can, too!
Hardcore businesses pay thousands of dollars to hear Jonathan
speak, but you don't have to. Through an exclusive offer with
AWeber Communications, Inc., you can hear directly from Jonathan - for FREE!
Right now, the TWO-PART video of Jonathan's sequential
autoresponse seminar in London, England is in the AWeber
control panel. In this amazing hour, Jonathan reveals:
* Totally unique ways to use AWeber autoresponders
* TWO case studies of DOUBLED, even TRIPLED profits
* Secrets of super-marketers like MARLON SANDERS
* Jonathan's own secrets, a peek inside his organization!
This video puts thousands of dollars worth of intellectual
material at your fingertips. Take advantage of Jonathan's
expertise right now!
Order an Unlimited Follow up Autoresponder from AWeber today
to get access to the revealing e-mail secrets of Jonathan Mizel:
c) 2010 Copyright http://autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
"The SECRET to getting more money out
of your customer base is..." Jonathan Mizel,
Autoresponse Seminar
Dear Subscriber,
What do industry giants like Disney, Microsoft, Intel, and
American Express have in common? They've all sought out the
expertise of the "master of targeted opt-in e-mail," Jonathan
Mizel! Now you can, too!
Hardcore businesses pay thousands of dollars to hear Jonathan
speak, but you don't have to. Through an exclusive offer with
AWeber Communications, Inc., you can hear directly from Jonathan - for FREE!
Right now, the TWO-PART video of Jonathan's sequential
autoresponse seminar in London, England is in the AWeber
control panel. In this amazing hour, Jonathan reveals:
* Totally unique ways to use AWeber autoresponders
* TWO case studies of DOUBLED, even TRIPLED profits
* Secrets of super-marketers like MARLON SANDERS
* Jonathan's own secrets, a peek inside his organization!
This video puts thousands of dollars worth of intellectual
material at your fingertips. Take advantage of Jonathan's
expertise right now!
Order an Unlimited Follow up Autoresponder from AWeber today
to get access to the revealing e-mail secrets of Jonathan Mizel:
c) 2010 Copyright http://autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
Spam: Where it Came From, and How to Escape It
Posted by Tom Kulzer (AWeber CEO)
In 1936, long before the rise of the personal computer, Hormel Foods created SPAM. In 2002, the company will produce it’s six billionth can of the processed food product. But that mark was passed long ago in the world of Internet spam.
Who Cooked This!? (How did it all start?)
The modern meaning of the word “spam” has nothing to do with spiced ham. In the early 1990’s, a skit by British comedy group Monty Python led to the word’s common usage. “The SPAM Skit” follows a couple struggling to order dinner from a menu consisting entirely of Hormel’s canned ham.
Repetition is key to the skit’s hilarity. The actors cram the word “SPAM” into the 2.5 minute skit more than 104 times! This flood prompted Usenet readers to call unwanted newsgroup postings “spam.” The name stuck.
Spammers soon focused on e-mail, and the terminology moved with them. Today, the word has come out of technical obscurity. Now, “spam” is the common term for “Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail”, or “UCE.”
Why Does Bad Spam Happen to Good People?
Chances are, you’ve been spammed before. Somehow, your e-mail address has found it’s way into the hands of a spammer, and your inbox is suffering the consequences. How does this happen? There are several possibilities.
Backstabbing Businesses
Businesses often keep lists of their customers’ e-mail addresses. This is a completely legitimate practice and, usually, nothing bad comes of it. Sometimes though, the temptation to make a quick buck is too great, and these lists are sold or rented to outside advertisers. The result? A lot of unsolicited e-mail, and a serious breach of trust.
Random Address Generation
Computer programs called random address generators simply “guess” e-mail addresses. Over 100 million hotmail addresses exist – howhard could it be to guess some of them? Unfortunately for many unsuspecting netizens – not too hard. Many spammers also guess at
“standard” addresses, like “support@yourdomain.com”,
“info@yourdomain.com”, and “billing@yourdomain.com.”
Web Spiders
Today’s most insidious list-gathering tools are web spiders. All of the major search engines spider the web, saving information about each page. Spammers use tools that also spider the web, but save any e-mail address they come across. Your personal web page lists your e-mail address? Prepare for an onslaught!
Read more here
c) 2010 Copyright http://autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
In 1936, long before the rise of the personal computer, Hormel Foods created SPAM. In 2002, the company will produce it’s six billionth can of the processed food product. But that mark was passed long ago in the world of Internet spam.
Who Cooked This!? (How did it all start?)
The modern meaning of the word “spam” has nothing to do with spiced ham. In the early 1990’s, a skit by British comedy group Monty Python led to the word’s common usage. “The SPAM Skit” follows a couple struggling to order dinner from a menu consisting entirely of Hormel’s canned ham.
Repetition is key to the skit’s hilarity. The actors cram the word “SPAM” into the 2.5 minute skit more than 104 times! This flood prompted Usenet readers to call unwanted newsgroup postings “spam.” The name stuck.
Spammers soon focused on e-mail, and the terminology moved with them. Today, the word has come out of technical obscurity. Now, “spam” is the common term for “Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail”, or “UCE.”
Why Does Bad Spam Happen to Good People?
Chances are, you’ve been spammed before. Somehow, your e-mail address has found it’s way into the hands of a spammer, and your inbox is suffering the consequences. How does this happen? There are several possibilities.
Backstabbing Businesses
Businesses often keep lists of their customers’ e-mail addresses. This is a completely legitimate practice and, usually, nothing bad comes of it. Sometimes though, the temptation to make a quick buck is too great, and these lists are sold or rented to outside advertisers. The result? A lot of unsolicited e-mail, and a serious breach of trust.
Random Address Generation
Computer programs called random address generators simply “guess” e-mail addresses. Over 100 million hotmail addresses exist – howhard could it be to guess some of them? Unfortunately for many unsuspecting netizens – not too hard. Many spammers also guess at
“standard” addresses, like “support@yourdomain.com”,
“info@yourdomain.com”, and “billing@yourdomain.com.”
Web Spiders
Today’s most insidious list-gathering tools are web spiders. All of the major search engines spider the web, saving information about each page. Spammers use tools that also spider the web, but save any e-mail address they come across. Your personal web page lists your e-mail address? Prepare for an onslaught!
Read more here
c) 2010 Copyright http://autorespondersoftwaretoputonmywebsite.blogspot.com
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